Wednesday, April 22, 2009

a couple of Billy's and a Hugh

So about a month ago i was driving down Sunset Blvd and looked over at a film studio that was on the corner and who did i see standing there being photographed by some tourists???

BILLY RAY CYRUS... mr. Achy Breaky Heart himself! or to those who were not alive in the 90's to even have any reference to that song at all... its Miley Cyrus' DAD!! ha ha

Last night i ended up hitting up another taping of Jimmy Kimmel Live. The guest for that evening was Angelina Jolie's crazy ex, and BAD SANTA man Billy Bob Thorton. SKINNY little fella, but certainly had that bad santa kinda attitude to him. He was also the musical guest for the night, so i got to hear his band play.

and the big man... mr. Wolverine... mr. Aulstralia himself... HUGH JACKMAN. The man is a stud.. even my aunt Carol thinks he's dreamy (well not her words exactly.. but close..). At Jimmy Kimmel they were taping the interview to be aired in a couple weeks so we got to sit through it. The man is a STUD!! it was great to be able to get tickets to this show....

OH and PS.. yesterday was also the day the Hugh Jackman did his hands and feet in the cement at the chinese theatre on hollywood... i didnt get to see the ceremony cuz it was at noon.. but i saw the wet cement on my way to Kimmel..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A few More...

A few more sightings..

So i saw the gentleman from Heroes - Masi Oka. Again it was on the lot here. Since Heroes shoots here.. why wouldnt i see him??

Bobb'e J. Thompson is the little kid who played a bully in our show. He has been on a LOT of shows but most recently was in the movie Role Models. I have yet to see it, but from the previews it looked hillarious. Child actors need to do "school" throughout the day when they are not working. So he stopped by our office and used my computer to do some online stuff.

ROSS the intern. All you Jay Leno fans out there know this guy for sure! Yesterday i was at KooKooRoo the chicken place picking up lunch and i heard this recognizable voice and looked around and BAM there he was standing right next to me! this town is CRAZY!
OH and the past two days Kanye West has been at our studio shooting a music video. I know he's here but have yet to see him!

Monday, February 9, 2009

A couple more for ya

So friday i was at work, moving some stuff around on the stage and started walking back to the office and who should walk bye but TOM ARNOLD! haha wasnt sure it was him at first.. cuz again.. celebrities are a lot shorter then they look on tv.. but sure enough he said something to my boss about his White Sox hat and BAM.. it was his voice!

Gary Busey.. what more can i say except big gums himself!! yup while walking around in Venice/Santa Monica i looked up at someone looking out of a hotel window with sunglasses on puffing on a cigar and sure enough.. now i cannot verify this.. but how could you get this one wrong! ;-)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another Taping of Jimmy Kimmel

For those of you who have ever seen Jimmy Kimmel Live, this is Guillermo, the naive security guard who Jimmy turns to for extra laughs from time to time. Funny man. I consider him a celebrity because this is my blog and i can do what i want!

This is Uncle Frank. Uncle frank is Jimmy Kimmel's real life uncle and just a bit less bright then Guillermo. He is hilarious, and Jimmy gives him little projects to do, and he keeps messing it up. Like before the show when asked what his favorite Dustin Hoffman movie was, he said "School Time". Jimmy didnt know what he meant until he started to expalin the movie and found out it was acctally called "The Graduate". Cute old man!

AND the big dog... Dustin Hoffman himself! The celebrity guest on Kimmel. I have to admit the man it MUCH shorter then i would have imagined, but a lot funnier then i would have imagined as well! During one of the commercial breaks he came over and started shaking everyone's hand in the first few rows, and since i was in the FIRST row i got to shake his hand. Good times!

And the other day, while at work i walked past a room and looked in and i swear Sigourney Weaver was in the room.. but since i have no way to verify that i cannot add it to my blog. So sad....