Thursday, March 5, 2009

A few More...

A few more sightings..

So i saw the gentleman from Heroes - Masi Oka. Again it was on the lot here. Since Heroes shoots here.. why wouldnt i see him??

Bobb'e J. Thompson is the little kid who played a bully in our show. He has been on a LOT of shows but most recently was in the movie Role Models. I have yet to see it, but from the previews it looked hillarious. Child actors need to do "school" throughout the day when they are not working. So he stopped by our office and used my computer to do some online stuff.

ROSS the intern. All you Jay Leno fans out there know this guy for sure! Yesterday i was at KooKooRoo the chicken place picking up lunch and i heard this recognizable voice and looked around and BAM there he was standing right next to me! this town is CRAZY!
OH and the past two days Kanye West has been at our studio shooting a music video. I know he's here but have yet to see him!